About Us

University of Central Florida

Dr. Koval is an assistant professor with the Department of Health Management and Informatics at University of Central Florida. His background is in quantitative methods and he has a strong interest in data-driven models of human aging. He received his Ph.D. in Quantitative Methods in 2014 from Vanderbilt University, where he studied statistical modeling, design of graphical displays of information, and reproducible research. Interest in data-driven narratives of human aging lead Dr. Koval to explore the use of electronic health records (EHR) for research and improvement of patient care. Since October 2015 he work with Dr. Kenneth Moselle, the director of the Applied Clinical Research Unit (ACRU) of Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) on curating the transformation of VIHA’s EHR into analyzable form and creating opportunities for academic and clinical researchers to work with these data in responsible and reproducible way.

Dr. Koval’s program of work proposes to develop a system for population health surveillance that would focus on chronic diseases, with particular focus on mental health and substance use (MHSU) conditions, which tend to have high comorbidity rates, polysubstance use patterns, and slowly progressing pace of development.

For more information – review Dr. Koval’s website

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