Community Health Sciences - University of Manitoba
Ashiq’s research focuses on developing model-based chronic disease risk factor (e.g., smoking, obesity) ascertainment algorithms using machine-learning models applied to administrative health data and electronic medical records.
Hi Ashiq,
Great work indeed! I am wondering, this is a review work, but you did not mentioned not a single reference, why? I guess, table 1 is based on 18 papers, am I right? Is your figure 1 (4 steps) represents the five step Arksey and O’Malley framework?
Thanks so much for your comment and pointing out the absence of references. It would have been great to put some of the references in the poster.
Yes- you are right about the 18 articles.
No. The five steps are:
Step 1: Identifying the research question
Step 2: Identifying relevant studies
Step 3: Study selection
Step 4: Charting the data
Step 5: Collating, summarizing and reporting the results.