Microbiology - University of Manitoba
Jhannelle will conduct virome analysis of aquatic ecosystems receiving discharges from wastewater treatment facilities and stabilization lagoons from urban and rural areas of Manitoba. Her research will involve metagenomic analysis and culture-independent approaches to study the distribution of viral DNA and RNA in water and sediment samples receiving discharges from wastewater treatment facilities and stabilization lagoons. She will also use quantitative PCR to assess enteric viruses as human-derived fecal markers and SARS-CoV-2 in these aquatic environments of Manitoba.
Hi Jhannelle,
Interesting work! The Red just got a whole lot grosser for me.
Will the 10 sample locations be spaced such that they get further away from effluent locations (to examine the effects of dilution as the effluent travels down stream), or are they targeted to different effluent sites?
I don’t do RNA sequencing so this question may be a bit naive. Does the Qubit provide adequate information about RNA integrity prior to sequencing, or will you have to use something like a bioanalyzer?