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Microbiology - University of Manitoba

Jocelyn is performing a longitudinal analysis of aquatic bodies in rural Manitoba to elucidate the spatiotemporal composition of T4-like viruses, bacteria, and microeukaryotes. The waterways in this study are adjacent to urban and agricultural impacted areas.  A case-control study is also being conducted to compare microbiomes in a lesser impacted forested area. In this project, direct precipitation with skimmed milk is used to concentrate microbial fractions. Taxa identification of bacteria, microeukaryotes, and T4-like viruses will be completed with deep-amplicon sequencing of 16S rRNA, 18S rRNA, and g23, respectively with Nanopore technology. Changes in α and β diversity and network analysis will also be conducted between waterways and through seasons. The main goals of Jocelyn´s project are to understand the influence that contaminating activities have on the microbiome of waterways and to provide valuable information in the assessment of complementary indicators of aquatic pollution.  You can follow some updates about her research on her LinkedIn profile: www.linkedin.com/in/jocelyn-zambrano-alvarado

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